Vila i frid / Rest in peace

Vila i frid / Rest in peace

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Det är endast hönan längst bak i bild som lever i dag. En var död en morgon och dom andra två blev tagen av rovfåglar. Men nu på fredag så ska jag få köpa 4 nya hönor, jag hoppas att dom kommer att komma bra överens. Jag saknar alla mina hönor dom var alla så personliga. Det har varit en sorgens tid.

It is only the hen in the back of the picture that lives today. One was dead one morning
and the other two were taken by birds of prey. But now on Friday I will buy 4 new hens, I hope they will come along well. I miss all my hens they were all so personal. It has been a sorrow’s time.

13 tankar om “Vila i frid / Rest in peace

  1. I feel with you, but better the hens had their share of freedom, living under the sky, than caged.
    After I have seen recently red kites flying in narrow circles above our private home gardens more often than ever, nearly each day, I think, these birds found out new ways to make their prey.


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